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Never be someone YOU are not

Today in the morning I saw this video about women being objectified by men according to their own preferences. Quickly it led me back to some of my old relationships. I am sure more women have felt the same. It's not always easy to decide whether you stick to your own beliefs or to who you really are and risk sacrificing your relationships or change to be the object of someone's wishes and love.

There were times in the past where guys used to tell me 'you cannot play football, you are a girl, you will get bruises', 'you should wear a shorter/longer dress because you are fit', 'you should wear pink lipstick, red is not appropriate', 'you should go to the fitness studio everyday' and/or 'you should change your hair colour to blonde/brown'. Yes, it is my option to accept or deny these comments and whether to change or not, but then you see yourself between the institutionalised reality of your education and the wish of not wanting to be someone you are not.

These problems still come from the education girls and boys are given to. Coming from one of the Southern countries and having lived in Poland, I have felt that gender roles still have a big influence in how people behave. The other day I was reading this article about how the millennial generation is really stuck in between changes and that is highly true. Women are still expected to have their traditional role but also to be independent and work to achieve their own success. In this sense, they feel like they need to be little Disney princesses, housewives and at the same time successful women career-wise.

The point here, is that whatever you do you should never be the objectification of what someone wishes you to be. If you want to play football do it, if you want to wear red lipstick do it, if you want to wear a long dress do it! Just do it! No one is the boss of you, only yourself and all the changes you do in your life they are YOUR life decisions.

Stick to your own way. You don't have to be someone you are not. Don't be afraid to say NO! The key to success is always to be yourself, never try to please someone based on what they wish you to be!

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