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Society is unity in diversity: the 15th International Youth Conference Krusevo

What do the balkans and Portugal have in common?

The most obvious answer would be the sunny weather, however, it might surprise you but not only that. It is striking how many more aspects these countries have in common. As a Portuguese that has lived in Portugal, the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland and Belgium it was amazing to see ow much I felt at home with people from all the SEE regions.

From the 15th to the 19th September the 15th International Youth Conference took place in Krusevo, Macedonia. Out of 400 applicants, 60 young leaders were chosen to debate the future of Europe and in particular of the SEE region.

Topics such as sustainability, education, human rights, gender equality were debated by the young people. It was inspiring to find out that even if aspects such as a difficult historical path and a big diversity of backgrounds and nationalities were present, all people in the group felt highly connected and with the clear objective of developing better infrastructures to achieve a more prosperous region.

Often for one to understand the similarities between people, one must have an open mind, travel, meet people and break stereotypes. When people do this, they often realize that they are all the same, they are all humans and all they wish is to live a happy and peaceful life. So whenever one has a prejudice against a country or a nationality, the best advice is: travel, talk to people, share interests and differences and sooner or later there will be a connection.

I believe in our generation and I believe we can make a better world. How? Through understanding, knowledge sharing and unity.

Thank you for making me understand this Krusevo 2017 and all the people that participated in it. Hope to see you and collaborate at some point in the future.

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